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‘Ponte City’ dummies and prototypes
Mikhael Subotzky, Patrick Waterhouse
Artwork 2022
Installation photograph from the Photo Book! Photo-Book! Photobook! exhibition in A4’s Gallery. On the right, Mikhael Subotzky and Patrick Waterhouse’s cabinet installation of the 'Ponte City' archive. On the left, Mikhael Subotzky and Patrick Waterhouse’s book ‘Ponte City’ sits on a wall-mounted shelf.
Artwork: Patrick Waterhouse, Mikhael Subotzky, ‘Ponte’ dummies and prototypes toward the book (2022). Book dummies and related residue. Dimensions variable. Courtesy of the artists and Goodman Gallery.
Artist Mikhael Subotzky, Patrick Waterhouse Title ‘Ponte City' dummies and prototypes Date 2022 Materials Book dummies and related residue Dimensions Dimensions variable Credit Courtesy of the artists and Goodman Gallery

Two recent photobook projects grounded in experiment introduced Sean O’Toole’s exhibition Photo book! Photo-book! Photo-book!. The first, Mikhael Subotzky and Patrick Waterhouse’s Ponte City (2014), published by Steidl, was shown together with a site-specific installation composed by the artists at A4, featuring various book dummies and related residue generated between 2008 and 2020. The installation took the casual title: ‘Ponte’ dummies and prototypes toward the book.

b.1981, Bath; works in London.
