Claudia Monyamane
Kieron Jina
Gisela Gurtler
Performance photographs:
Alexis Shakalulu Strimenos
Kieron Jina shares fragments and textures, reflecting on his artistic practice and looking ahead to new projects.
While in residence, Jina performs Catching Feelings, Not Flights, on 16 December – 'Day of Reconciliation' in South Africa, and a public holiday. Kieron Jina’s body is painted in geometric patterns. He walks from Camps Bay to Clifton beaches in Cape Town with a large canvas painted with the following question:
It's hunting season in Cape Town...
Have you seen my European husband?
Catching Feelings, not Flights asks after the notion of the exotic. Who or what is perceived to be exotic? And why?
Jina's work is about accessibility, vulnerability, exoticism, sex trade, pink money, afro-futurisms, inequalities of gender, sexuality, race, and economy. Identifying as a queer South African artist, Jina is interested in communicating the complexity of people in relation to one another, and to place and space, by way of elements which suggest connections and their resulting tensions.