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Office Politics
Event 9 December 2016
Event photograph from the offsite ‘Office Politics’ exchange. Multiple copies of the ‘Have a nice Day’ publication by Andrew Juries and Lauren Theunissen and the ‘Camera Obscura #3’ publication by Tebogo George Mahashe are arranged on a white table.
Event: Office Politics at 36 Buitenkant Street (A4’s previous premises), December 9, 2016. Image courtesy of Lerato Maduna.
Title Office Politics Dates 9 December 2016 Location Offsite Tagline The launch of Strategically Strange by Bonolo Kavula, Have a Nice Day by Andrew Juries and Lauren Theunissen, and Landing Above by Dorothee Kreutzfeldt. Credits

francis burger
Pamela Dlungwana

Andrew Juries
Lauren Theunissen

Bonolo Kavula's Strategically Strange is an engagement with the Black Portraiture conference in Johannesburg. It features a combination of critical commentary, opinion and illustration by Kavula.

Andrew Juries and Lauren Theunissen's Have a Nice Day is aggregated through daily routes in and around Buitenkant Street. Juries and Theunissen collect archival and everyday material from the surrounding environment that intersects with present-day District Six.

Dorothy Kreuzveldt's Landing Above offers photographic documentation of the mural she made in the new A4 building at 23 Buitenkant Street before renovations of the premises took place. This documentation is collated alongside additional found and archival material.

Event: Office Politics at 36 Buitenkant Street (A4’s previous premises), December 9, 2016. Image courtesy of Lerato Maduna.