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CCA at home
Workshop 21 April–1 May 2020
Title CCA at home Dates 21 April–1 May 2020 Location Online Tagline Postgraduate students from the Centre for Curating the Archive (CCA) learn practical and production skills for curators. Credits

Centre for Curating the Archive
Scheryn Collection

Nina Liebenberg (CCA)
Martin Wilson (CCA)
heeten bhagat (A4)

Nisha von Carnap
Josh Ginsburg
Kyle Morland
Brett Scott
Zach Viljoen

This online curatorial programme is created by A4 in partnership with the Centre for Curating the Archive at the University of Cape Town and the Scheryn Collection and is designed for students who wish to learn the production skills necessary for successful curatorial work.

The course offers a practical study into the role of the curator. Facilitators share knowledge of on-the-ground challenges, as well as the less glamorous world of research, administration and back-end processes, in the belief that this information is vital to any student wishing to build a robust and sustainable curatorial practice.

Fieldwork, logistics and process are prioritised as students work to produce virtual exhibitions.
