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Customs | Wayfinder
Publication 2 July–24 September 2022
Photograph of the wayfinder publication for Customs, curated by Sumayya Vally and Josh Ginsburg in A4 Arts Foundation's Gallery.
Wayfinder: Customs curated by Sumayya Vally and Josh Ginsburg, July 2, 2022–October 8, 2022. Image courtesy of A4 Arts Foundation.
Title Customs | Wayfinder Dates 2 July–24 September 2022 Tagline Find your way through the exhibition. Credits

Ben Johnson

Lucienne Bestall
Sara de Beer
Margot Dower
Lily van Rensburg

Sara de Beer

Customs takes its cue from a series of photographs taken by Sumayya Vally in Saudi Arabia in 2021. The images record a number of roadside mosques of varying architectural structure and opacity, forming sacred and ceremonial space.

Vally writes: "I became interested in how the community of itinerant users were encouraged, by the structures themselves, to read them and make use of them. They were infrastructures for gathering, and further, inherent in these same infrastructures were invitations to participate in their making and upkeep."

Customs wonders after practices of maintenance, both static and dynamic. What is it that invites us to use, and to be of use?

Accompanying the exhibition is a wayfinder offering reflections on the artworks as well as prompts for visitors to enact or consider as they interact with Customs.

"Hold the intention in mind, or utter the words, 'Here lies the boundary.' This is all you need to to make any space a sacred one." – Sumayya Vally

Yoko Ono’s Mend Piece (1966/2018), installed in the Reading Room as part of Customs, carries its own instructions from the artist for visitors to participate in ‘mending’ irreparably broken pieces of cups and saucers, making these anew.

Mend with wisdom
mend with love
mend your heart.
It will mend the earth
at the same time.
