Josh Ginsburg
heeten bhagat
Patty Anahory
Nathalie Jean-Baptiste
Gautam Bhan
Raúl Cárdenas Osuna
Judit Carrera
Alejandro Echeverri Restrepo
Kim Gurney
Lesley Lokko
Laura Malan
Geci Karuri-Sabina
Bella Knemeyer
Tolullah Oni
Sean O’Toole
Edgar Pieterse
Juliana Quintero Marín
James Shen
Beth Stryker
Tau Tavengwa
Tatiana Thieme
Michael Uwemedimo
Ilze Wolff
Our mission remains to tell the complex stories of urban challenges from the ground up, as well as the nature and cost of real, sustainable, and equitable change.
– Cityscapes magazine, African Centre for Cities
CS.Praxis gathered a network of multidisciplinary practitioners with a particular interest in urban development throughout the Global South who work in the fields of spatial planning, architecture, design, public health, and contemporary art. The network developed in relation to the Cityscapes (CS) magazine as a 'praxis' or working group of practitioners in urbanity, place- and culture-making, and sustainable futures who practice in real-world contexts – among these South Africa, Cabo Verde, Tanzania, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Spain, Colombia, and Mexico. Edgar Pieterse, founding director of African Centre for Cities, and Tau Tavengwa, co-curater with Pieterse of Cityscapes, convened the group. Time was spent sharing some of the extensive scope of research represented by the network to consider the ways in which CS.Praxis could become a valuable resource.