Dominique Cheminais
Dominique Cheminais takes up residence in Goods on the occasion of the launch of The Windmill, the second book in her Many Shallows series. The Windmill offers a fictionalised account of the life of Milena Jesenská, Franz Kafka’s second great love. Central to the narrative is the potential for metamorphosis. Dom is practised at shifting shape. Recently, she has reassumed the role of painter – her head is flung back, ponytail whipping, as she paints upon the ceiling; with chalk in hand, she advances with the physicality of a ballet dancer across Goods’ signature blue walls. But Dom is the writer, first, of these gangling legs, whose third breasts and four-fingered hands she authors into being. Accompanying her in Goods is the character she has created of herself, performed with wit and dexterity in a high-gloss finish. Her artist husband, Zander Blom, plays the role of her assistant. Sitting on the ground, he cuts up paint swatches and labels her bottles. A4’s team members take turns pushing her scissor lift back and forth.
Goods is a project space for work in process and thinking aloud. The location’s transitory nature as a thoroughfare encourages a light-footed navigation of curatorial and artistic practice and rapid prototyping of ideas.