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You to Me, Me to You | Wayfinder
Publication 12 August–18 November 2023
Photograph of the wayfinder publication for You to Me, Me to You curated by Francisco Berzunza in A4 Arts Foundation's Gallery.
Wayfinder: You to Me, Me to You curated by Francisco Berzunza, August 12, 2023–November 18, 2023. Image courtesy of A4 Arts Foundation.
Title You to Me, Me to You | Wayfinder Dates 12 August–18 November 2023 Tagline Find your way through the exhibition. Credits

Ben Johnson

Lucienne Bestall
Sara de Beer
Khanya Mashabela
Lily van Rensburg

Sara de Beer

In 2022, after a tour of the Ministry of Public Education in Mexico, I sat at the feet of Diego Rivera’s 1922 mural, The Assembly, and declared my love to a guy named Fernando.

  • I get that we are not friends, nor are we lovers, so what are we? He asked.
  • Well, I replied: I’m Fran to you, and you are Fer to me.

Love may well be the act of sharing our loneliness with each other.

– Francisco Berzunza, curator of You to Me, Me to You

You to Me, Me to You marks a return for curator Francisco Berzunza from his home in Mexico to South Africa. Having lived in Cape Town in 2014 and again in 2016, Berzunza became intimately connected to the city and its artistic practitioners. On his return to Mexico, he determined to begin a dialogue between artistic communities working from and around these two countries. His efforts produced the first iteration of Hacer Noche (Crossing Night) in Oaxaca, 2018, which asked after practices of death and commemoration. Pieter Hugo, Jo Ractliffe, Georgina Gratrix, Pieter Hugo, and Kemang Wa Lehulere are among the artists in this exhibition who participated in Hacer Noche. Iñaki Bonillas joined A4 from Mexico City as artist-in-residence in preparation for You to Me, Me to You, as did Thembinkosi Hlatshwayo, who arrived from Johannesburg.
