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Stability / Precarity
Shared by Juliana Irene Smith Date shared 6 October 2023 Projects Source Conversation

"I wanted to continue. I didn't expect to leave, but because of personal stuff – I was 39, I wanted a child – it was time for more stability basically. If somebody had said to me, 'Can I take over that?' I would have loved that. Nico Athene asked for support and did a co-ALMA MARTHA after I left Cape Town with In Bed with Artists. If somebody wanted to reboot it right now, I would apply for Finnish money and give them all of the background information and any tools I could."
– Juliana Irene Smith

As part of her ongoing project Social, curator Khanya Mashabela collects oral histories of artist-led project spaces in South Africa to complement a growing archive of associated printed matter, photographs, and digital assets collated through an open call to local arts practitioners.
