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Indiscernible worlds
Installation view: Ernst van der Wal’s Swollen Glands, Studio Cabinet, Three Bones | Uncertain Entanglements, October 31–November 2, 2024. Image courtesy of A4 Arts Foundation.
Shared by Ernst van der Wal Date shared 31 October 2024 Projects Source Presentation

“These works turn to microscopy and telescopy as two different devices and lensing enterprises: as ways of looking really far away or looking under the skin. Quite often, these lensed worlds would look similar when you first encounter them. If you look at some of the first photographs taken of viruses under a microscope and compare those to photographs of planets, they are almost indiscernible.”
– Ernst van der Wal

Participants in the Uncertain Entanglements colloquium convened by Kathryn Smith, Leora Farber and Christo Doherty reflect on the role of art and science interactions in their respective practices at Three Bones Residency, Cape Town.
