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Word of mouth
Shared by Juliana Irene Smith Date shared 6 October 2023 Projects Source Conversation

"Molly Stevens, part of the Martha Collective, was introduced to me and we quickly merged forces to become ALMA MARTHA. She knew the young, hip artists and I was a newbie in Cape Town – although I had studied at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg back in 2006.) She introduced me to Mitchell Gilbert Messina and Lady Skollie who were in the first show. Later, we would always ask the artists who they wanted to work with. Things grew to include many artists, like Gitte Möller and we went church scouting together, and then we worked on Embrace Tiger Return to Mountain. It was just about talking to people, like Julia Rosa Clark who said, 'You have to meet Unathi Mkonto.' He is still one of my favourite artists."
– Juliana Irene Smith

As part of her ongoing project Social, curator Khanya Mashabela collects oral histories of artist-led project spaces in South Africa to complement a growing archive of associated printed matter, photographs, and digital assets collated through an open call to local arts practitioners.
