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Subjective recollections
Shared by Siemon Allen Date shared 30 May 2023 Projects Source Conversation

"The Flat ended in 1995, and then at some point I started a Masters and my dissertation proposal was to document the history of the Flat. I don't know when it became a thing for me to try and concretise the history. I was just reading my foreword in the Flat book, and I think there is an interesting line. It says, 'I was struck with the realisation that to document history is to unavoidably invent history.' The things in the dissertation definitely happened, but it's hard to say whether or not we would talk about it in the same kind of way if we hadn't photographed it or if I hadn't written about it. You could say that about many things in history."
– Siemon Allen

As part of her ongoing project Social, curator Khanya Mashabela collects oral histories of artist-led project spaces in South Africa to complement a growing archive of associated printed matter, photographs, and digital assets collated through an open call to local arts practitioners.
